Saturday, February 19, 2011


I have definitely been neglecting my blogging duties!  Life has just been going on as usual, and we have been staying busy!  But I got the most fantastic phone call from Brian at AZ Goldens a couple of days ago:

Brian: "Hi Shelley, it's Brian.  Is this a good time?"

Me: "Sure, what's up?"

Brian: "Are you sitting down?"

Me: "Ummm...yes?"

Brian: "Heidi just got a sponsor, covering the balance of her service dog fund."

Me: "AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Yay!!  So that means that we will have some very exciting announcements (and pictures!) coming very soon!  Thank you so much to everyone who helped make this happen for Heidi, and for Associated Motor Group in Scottsdale for donating the last bit of money that we needed.  We feel so blessed!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Happy New Year!

It has been quite a while since I posted, the month of December is always very busy at our house.  We have several birthdays, birthday parties, Christmas, and just the general business of the holiday season.  But we are still here, and things are going well.  We are just over $2,000 shy of our fundraising goal!!  I have a couple of fundraisers in the works and will update this blog when they are finalized.  We are still doing the Scentsy fundraiser, so visit Megan's Scentsy site to check is out and place an order.  I am loving my new Scentsy products, my whole house smells so good!

Heidi with my friend Megan